Impermanence - 202?
Decaying Delights
The word ‘impermanence’ means lasting a limited period of time. I chose to focus on foods as these chage state over time and do not last forever. To begin this, I started by keeping foods in tubs, allowing these to sit while I took pictures every few days. I used these images to inspire my work, including experimenting with different mix media when drawing these images
Patterned Provisions
To further develop my work, I began to experiment with different repeat patterns. I achieved this by scanning my sample work into adobe where the image repeated across the page. To gather some ideas of how my samples would look on garments, I printed the repeat patterns and began to manipulate this paper on the stand, this can be seen below. My favourite sample is my machine embroidery and goldwork sample which can be seen below. I believe this sample worked really well as it added texture to the lemon unlike my other samples.