Madison Turner

Fashion Design and Textiles Graduate, Aspiring Costume Designer

About Me

My name is Madison, and I am an aspiring costume designer. I have always been creative, before sewing became my passion it was paints and pens. I remember my nan teaching me how to knit which really inspired me towards picking textiles to study in secondary school. My interest in sewing only grew more and more. I aspire to become a costume designer working on productions. I hope to work on costumes in the fantasy genre as I have always been drawn to this genre whether it was watching tv shows or reading books.

 I have spent three years at The University of Huddersfield within the school of art, design and architecture where I studied Fashion Design with Textiles. Over these 3 years I have learnt a variety of new technical and digital skills. These include but are not limited to; working independently on my projects, my organisation skills and managing my time around the deadlines that I am given. All these skills have prepared me with industry level experience and have given me a good step into the work that I would like to continue after university.

